Oriented Nature Reserve “dei Caldaren”


Oriented Nature Reserve “dei Caldaren”

The reserve is rich in plant and animal species. In the early 20th century, the area was used to obtain clay, by means of a cable car equipped with small containers (“caldaren”). When the extractive activity was suspended, a flourishing vegetation started to grow there. The area covers about 13 hectares and represents a natural habitat for the avifauna. There, you may find many species, such as Grey herons, night herons, egrets, moorhens, weasels, hedgehogs and foxes. 



donazione tirelli gualtieri

Tirelli Collection

Audioguida ITA

Audio guide EN


The collection is hosted in the rooms of Palazzo Bentivoglio and consists of 50 works of considerable artistic value that the famous tailor Umberto Tirelli has donated to the City of Gualtieri.

Among these stand out Balthus drawings, paintings by Fabrizio Clerici, Renato Guttuso, Mino Maccari, Giorgio de Chirico, Giacomo Manzù. Also on show are two costumes designed by Pier Luigi Pizzi and Piero Tosi for the Enrico IV of Pirandello and for the Ludwig by Luchino Visconti.

golena di gualtieri vista

The Golena of Gualtieri

Audioguida ITA

Audio guide EN


The gualtieri flood plain offers significant opportunities from the naturalistic point of view in the different seasons of the year. The territory enclosed between the master's embankment and the Po riverbed is very complex and diversified, including both naturalistic and anthropological aspects.